Focus on Actions, Not Results

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“Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.” 

– Mark 4:3

In Mark 4, Jesus shares the parable of the farmer. The farmer went out with his seeds and planted them. Some of the seeds were eaten by the birds. Some of the seeds didn’t have enough soil and never took root.

Still, there were some seeds that fell in a good place. These seeds did make roots and became towering plants that yielded abundant harvests.

As disciples we are all like farmers. The seeds we sow are the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We sow these seeds by doing acts of kindness for others, sharing the gospel, loving our neighbors, and forgiving them when they’ve wronged you.

However, like farmers you can’t assume responsibility for everything. All you can do is plant those seeds you can’t control how they will grow. Some of them may never take root. Some may be taken away before they can make a difference.

There will be some seeds however that find good ground and take deep root. Those seeds will produce changed lives through the amazing love of Jesus, but you can’t control this.  All you can do is focus on your actions. You can’t control the results.

Spread the word but don’t feel overwhelming pressure like it’s all on you. Your job is merely to plant seeds. Let God handle the rest!


God, sometimes, I’m tempted to believe I’m responsible for everything and everyone. But that’s my way of trying to control the world. Help me to take my hands off the wheel do my part and allow you to control the outcomes. You’re in charge and I choose to rest in that knowledge. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Picture of Clarence Haynes

Clarence Haynes

